Photoshoot: Dallas at Reid Park (2014)
Some really amazing photos from this day at the park with Tucson model, Dallas. She was new to me and she was really interesting to work with. She was open to trying different things which is good when you don't really know what you are doing and don't know the results may suck.

I really love how the light glints were captured - it was just the right angle for the sun: Late afternoon, but not Golden Hour. The first image was actually really overexposed and I managed to fix it in Photoshop years ago, but I just re-did these using Camera Raw and Bridge and I'm a huge fan all over again. So many things I used to have to do in Photoshop (because that's how you did it). Now these basic image development tools are like having a complete retouching and color-correcting studio at your fingertips. This is whether you prefer Lightroom or the Bridge-Camera Raw combo.
See the entire set on my Patreon: Dallas at Reid Park